
MDC-T spokesperson says only regime change can save Zimbabwe, urges people to protest against bond notes

MDC-T spokesperson says only regime change can save Zimbabwe, urges people to protest against bond notes

The Movement for Democratic Change-Tsvangirai (MDC-T) through its spokesperson, Obert Gutu, has said that only regime change can save Zimbabwe’s economy.

Gutu, told a Mass Public Opinion Institute (MPOI) seminar which ran under the theme: “Ups and Downs of 2016 and a Trajectory for 2017”, in Harare recently that only citizens can change the current situation. He said:

We are in a real messy, and what do we have to do to redeem ourselves from this mess? The way forward is simple-its regime change! Ladies and gentlemen, Cdes and friends, I am a regime change agent and I do take pride in that and for as long as Zanu PF is in power forget about national development.

He also urged Zimbabweans to rise up against the bond notes which were introduced into the market today to mixed reactions.

