
95% of boreholes in low density areas like Borrowdale are contaminated says Parirenyatwa

95% of boreholes in low density areas like Borrowdale are contaminated says Parirenyatwa

Speaking at the official launch of a national clean-up campaign (waste management campaign) held yesterday at Lusaka Vegetable Market in Highfield, Harare, Minister Parirenyatwa said that 95% of boreholes in low-density suburbs like Borrowdale are contaminated, while 55 percent of people have their hands contaminated with faecal matter.

Said Parirenyatwa:

Some think that because they stay in low-density areas, they are spared from typhoid, but because of the rains, dirt is being washed into those boreholes and as we speak, there is also flooding taking place. Some also think they are safe because they use borehole water, but our assessments have shown that 95 percent of all boreholes from low-density areas such as Borrowdale are also contaminated. So, if you stay in those areas just be on the watch-out.

He said a research carried out in Harare recently revealed that about 55 percent of people had faecal matter in their hands.

More: Herald
