
Min of Education allows 5-year old Epworth whizz-kid to skip grades

Min of Education allows 5-year old Epworth whizz-kid to skip grades

Tinotenda Manyemba a 5-year-old pupil who learns at Widdecombe Primary School has been allowed to go to skip grades and go to grade 3 after the Ministry of Education noted that the child was gifted and exceptionally intelligent.  In normal circumstances, Tinotenda should be in Early Childhood Development (ECD).   Tinotenda was born on February 14, 2012, and is from Epworth.

Provincial education director for Harare Metropolitan Province Mr Christopher Kateera confirmed the development saying:

The above mentioned child (Tinotenda) was assessed at this provincial office and it was established that his intelligence quotient is superior, and his performance based on the tests, graded word reading list and spelling proved beyond reasonable doubt that he is a candidate for Grade Three level.

Based on assessment report and placement letter from the PED Harare, Tinotenda is operating on mathematical age of 7,7 years which is approximately two years above his level. His reading and spellings skills are also two years above his level.

Tinotenda’s father also said:

My son was assessed by the Schools Psychological Services and Special Needs Education Department and he has an IQ of 123 which is superior intelligence based on the Wechsler Pre-School and Primary Scale of intelligence (WIPPSI).

If he continues at this rate he might match Maud Chifamba‘s record.

More: Herald


