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MDC-T to sue Mphoko for making "false and defamatory allegations" against Tsvangirai

8 years agoMon, 06 Feb 2017 18:33:27 GMT
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MDC-T to sue Mphoko for making "false and defamatory allegations" against Tsvangirai

MDC-T have threatened to sue Vice President Phelekezela Mphoko for allegations he made on national television on the weekend that Morgan Tsvangirai was involved in an assassination attempt on the late Vice President Joshua Nkomo and that he was involved in the Gukurahundi atrocities.

In a statement, Tsvangirai’s spokesperson, Luke Tomborinyoka said:

Mphoko will soon be hearing from President Morgan Tsvangirai’s lawyersabout his false and defamatory allegations. He surely owes the nation an elaborate substantiation of his fanciful allegations that do not befit the high office he hold. He will surely have his day in court.

Tomborinyoka said that Gukurahundi was committed by President Robert Mugabe.


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