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Gweru and Kwekwe dams now 102% full

7 years agoMon, 13 Feb 2017 22:18:41 GMT
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Gweru and Kwekwe dams now 102% full

The Zimbabwe National Water Authority (Zinwa) has said that supply dams in Gweru and Kwekwe  now average 102% compared to 46% last year at the same period.

Speaking to The Chronicle, Zinwa Corporate Communications and Marketing Manager Mrs Marjorie Munyonga said Gweruโ€™s main supply dam Gwenhoro is 102,5% full while White Waters and Amapongokwe at 101,8% and 103% full. For Kwekwe Sebakwe dam is 102% full. She said that dam levels increase the risk of flooding for communities downstream and urged people to be cautious when crossing rivers.

More: Chronicle



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