
SADC urged to emulate ECOWAS and ditch passive by standing approach on crisis-hit Zimbabwe

SADC urged to emulate ECOWAS and ditch passive by standing  approach on crisis-hit Zimbabwe

The People’s Democratic Party has urged Sadc to intervene in Zimbabwe to ensure that the crisis in Zimbabwe does not spread to other countries in the region. The PDP also urged Sadc to stop using its passive by standing approach and to emulate Ecowas.

In a statement, PDP spokesperson Jacob Mafume said:

Our hope is that SADC heeds our call, reluctance might result in the crisis spreading and destabilizing the whole region.

Part of the problem has already started manifesting in the xenophobic attacks on Zimbabwean nationals in neighbouring South Africa.

The People’s Democratic Party (PDP) urges SADC to act on the concerns of the Zimbabwean people instead of adopting the current passive by-standing.

The power of a regional board need no further preface, the efficacy was proved by the response of ECOWAS in the Gambian crisis

More: New Zimbabwe

