
TB Joshua in Zimbabwe for Walter Magaya's Easter Crusade

TB Joshua in Zimbabwe for Walter Magaya's Easter Crusade

Temitope Balogun Joshua, popularly known as TB Joshua, arrived in Harare last night in a private jet and was booked at the Rainbow Towers Hotel. The full programme of his visit is yet to be released with Walter Magaya’s close aide, overseer Admire Mango, confirming the pre-Easter crusade with the two clerics.

Joshua will address Magaya’s PHD Ministries followers at the Freedom Square (Robert Mugabe) adjacent to Rainbow Towers Hotel, Harare at 9:30am today. Mango said PHD Ministries would hold a Press conference to give details on the activities and programme which TB Joshua and Magaya will follow in the next few days leading the crusade dubbed Destroying Your Enemies and Giving New Life.

More: NewsDay
