
Cuthbert Dube to challenge Labour Court ruling, wants $3,5 million windfall from PSMAS

Cuthbert Dube to challenge Labour Court ruling, wants $3,5 million windfall from PSMAS

Cuthbert Dube, the former chief executive Premier Service Medical Aid Society (PSMAS) wants to appeal a decision by the Labour Court which reversed a $3,5 million award he had been given in 2015. However, PSMAS challenged the decision by arbitrator Mr Don Moyo to award Dube $3,5 million. Labour Court judge Justice Euna Makamure, sitting with Justice Betty Chidziva overturned the arbitration award.

However, Dube’s lawyer, Mr Jonathan Samukange, told The Herald on Monday that leave to appeal the Labour Court decision has since been filed. Dube grabbed the headlines a few years back after it was revealed that he was taking almost $500 000 per month in salary and allowances.

More: Herald
