
Dickson Mafios accused of using political influence to snatch Pastor's wife

Dickson Mafios accused of using political influence to snatch Pastor's wife

Underfire Zanu-PF Mashonaland Central provincial chairman Cde Dickson Mafios has been accused of snatching a Salvation Army pastor’s wife in an illicit affair. Pastor Wisdom Vhanga allegedly lost his wife of 14 years, Eddies Musiiwa to Mafios, who reportedly used his influence to lure Musiiwa. After the illicit affair,  Mafios married Musiiwa and she became his third wife. According to the Herald, Unfortunately, the first two wives died almost the same week, leaving Ms. Musiiwa as the only official wife to Mafios.
Speaking to the Herald, Pastor Vhanga said:

It’s a true story. It caused a lot of problems in my life, but my church does not allow me to talk to the press. What I can only say is that it was an emotional moment that disturbed my life.

One Vincent Chiruka told the Herald:

From what we know, the wife who is staying with Mafios right now was snatched from Pastor Vhanga. They had been married for 14 years and they had their wedding in the church and I also attended that wedding.

Pastor Vhanga and Ms Musiiwa had one child called Makanaka. After the wife was taken, Pastor Vhanga was forced to sign divorce papers by Cde Mafios who was accompanied by some bouncers at Madziwa Shopping Centre.

Now, he is moving around with that wife attending party functions and she is actually referred to as the ‘First Lady’ of the province. As a leader of the party, we don’t expect such behaviour.

Mafios and his half brother Saviour Kasukuwere has been receiving a lot of bad press recently from state-controlled newspapers the Herald, the Chronicle, and the Sunday Mail.

More: Chronicle

