Matabeleland North provincial medical director Nyasha Masuka confirmed that Binga District Hospital has finally received the ambulance that was donated by Christian Youth Volunteers Association Trust last year. The ambulance was detained at Mhlahlandlela Government Complex in Bulawayo last year as Binga Rural District Council and the Health and Child Care ministry fought over its control. However, the ambulance needs to be serviced as some components are not functioning well.
Said Masuka:
It has since been collected. It is now at Binga Hospital, although we received a report that it needs some service attention as some of its components are not functioning. They assessed it and have recommended it for service to the RDC. All the papers are now in order. It will be stationed at the hospital, although it’s registered in the council’s name. We agreed that it should be stationed at the hospital due to its status, which needs properly serviced terrain.
More: NewsDay