
Dinha accused of blocking Zanu-PF Mash Central youth league from preparing for Mugabe's rally

Dinha accused of blocking Zanu-PF Mash Central youth league from preparing for Mugabe's rally

In an interview with NewsDay, Zanu-PF Mashonaland Central youth leader Isaiah Mandaza accused Provincial Affairs minister Martin Dinha of blocking the youth league from holding meetings in preparation for President Robert Mugabe’s rally.

Said Mandaza:

Right now, we are supposed to have an executive meeting on Wednesday (tomorrow) in preparation for another meeting with our provincial political commissar (Innocent) Hamandishe, but they are refusing to give us the go-ahead. We are booking meetings, but we are not being cleared. The youth league and women’s league were told to convene meetings. It’s only the main wing that was stopped. The provincial minister is also causing us not to do meetings. It’s about three meetings now that have been called off. However, on Wednesday, we will continue with our meeting. There could be disturbances if they try to deny us the right to having our meetings. We need to prepare for the coming of our President. What they want is to blame us for shambolic preparations when the President comes, but it is them who are throwing spanners.

When contacted for comment yesterday, Dinha denied the allegations.

More: NewsDay
