
Harare residents against further govt exploitation through urban tollgates

Harare residents against further govt exploitation through urban tollgates

Combined Harare Residents’ Association (CHRA) has spoken out against the the government’s plan to introduce urban tollgates in Harare. CHRA chairperson, Simbarashe Moyo said that the government needed to account for all the money that was collected by Zinara, before further exploiting Harare Residents. Said Moyo

We are totally against this idea of tollgates in town. It’s heartless to force residents to pay more when already we are burdened like this. We have realised that the government has a tendency of demanding money from broke residents whenever it seeks to funds its nefarious activities.

…We are worried with Kasukuwere’s continued utterances and his push for tollgates. We want Zinara first to account for the large sums of money that they have collected over the years before they [authorities] can even begin to think of devising more ways to fleece Zimbabweans of their hard-earned cash.

More: NewsDay
