
UZ medical students finally allowed back on campus after lawyers threaten authorities with contempt of court

UZ medical students finally allowed back on campus after lawyers threaten authorities with contempt of court

Medical students at the University of Zimbabwe’s College of Health Sciences finally returned to their halls of residence earlier on today. The students had been evicted by the institute’s authorities for protesting against an increase in fees on Monday. This prompted the Zimbabwe Human Rights Lawyers to file an urgent application at the High Court to overturn the eviction. High Court Judge Justice Nyaradzo Munangati-Manongwa said that the institution’s eviction of medical students was irrational and ruled that the students should be allowed back on campus. However, despite this ruling Vice Chancellor Levi Nyagura and other authorities refused to allow the students back on campus yesterday.

They only relented today after they were threatened with contempt of court by lawyers. Human rights activist and lawyer Doug Coltart together with UZ Students Representative Council Legal Representative Max Mhandu went from office to office with contempt of court letters until the Institute buckled under the pressure. The students have started moving into their halls of residence.

More: Doug Coltart
