
Chimene urges hotel operators to lie to attract tourists

Chimene urges hotel operators to lie to attract tourists

While officiating at the rebranding of Amber Hotel to Holiday Inn Mutare, Manicaland Provincial Affairs minister Mandi Chimene urged hotel operators to lie that Zimbabwean tourist Zayd Dada, who mysteriously disappeared on Inyangani Mountain on January 4, 2014 will return as a marketing tool.

Said Chimene:

We can attract tourists by using the story of that Indian tourist (Dada). Most tourists don’t believe what happened. We will just tell them where he was when he disappeared and we will say to them that he is coming back one day. I know some of them (tourists) will wait for him to meet them. We need strategies if we are going to survive in this industry. This world is so cruel, so we need to be aggressive in our marketing. Nothing will come on a silver platter.

Dada disappeared in the company of his wife, Neelam, and another couple as they attempted to climb the mountain.

More: NewsDay
