
ZimStat apologises for wrong accident statistics

ZimStat apologises for wrong accident statistics

Addressing a Press conference yesterday, ZimStat director-general Mr Mutasa Dzinotizei apologised to  the Zimbabwe Republic Police for statistics that show that road traffic accidents between 2015 and 2016 increased to 100 000.

Said Dzinotizei:

The Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency wishes to unreservedly apologise to the whole nation for any inconveniences and anxiety that may have been occasioned by the publication of incorrect information from our website. We are going to take corrective measures internally to deal with this issue. The above constitutes a complete retraction of the stories that appeared in the media as a result of ZimStat mistake. In future, due diligence will be exercised before figures are published and placed on our website. I sincerely apologise to the Government of Zimbabwe and to the Zimbabwe Republic Police in particular.

He also said that the total number of accidents in 2016 is 46 681 and not 159 490.

More: Herald
