
It's a curse to chase away pupils over fees, parents must provide labour instead: Dokora

It's a curse to chase away pupils over fees, parents must provide labour instead: Dokora

Minister of Primary and Secondary Education Dr. Lazarus Dokora, has told school authorities that it is a curse to chase away pupils over the non payment of school fees. He said that the authorities should engage the parents instead so that they could provide labour at the schools. Speaking in Hwedza last week, Dokora said:

These children have not committed any crime and are not responsible for their own welfare.

These kids are born to us as a blessing not as curses so we should not quarrel about whether they should be chased away or not. They should be protected and if we dare exclude them from school, we are cursed.

We are going all out to empower schools and get more land for agricultural projects because we can do more on that land including looking after these kids.


If there is no money, parents should come and work. Chasing children from school is a thing of the past.

More: Herald

