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We never chased away whites from Zimbabwe: Mugabe

7 years agoMon, 14 Aug 2017 13:56:49 GMT
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We never chased away whites from Zimbabwe: Mugabe

President Robert Mugabe said that the Zanu-PF Government never chased away whites and claimed that the whites ran away on their own and now they are trying to return. The white population in Zimbabwe left the country during the land reform when a number of them were killed during farm invasions.

Said Mugabe:

We never chased away whites from this country but….ivo vakangoti pfochopfocho kutiza… but they are now slowly trying to come back on their own… what has happened to South Africa and other places that you ran to? Those running industries we never chased them away. In the civil service at independence we wanted to count how many whites we had there but before we could do that, “vakangoti pfochopfocho kutiza”… fortunately, blacks who had been educated saved the day and filled the posts left vacant by the whites.

More: ZBC

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