5 things you probably did not know about Ruth Makandiwa
7 years agoMon, 04 Sep 2017 18:54:01 GMT

Today is Ruth Makandiwa’s birthday. Below are five things you probably did not know about her:
- She was born Ruth Makawa to Eliza Makawa.
- She celebrated her birthday in 2013 by hosting a party which she celebrated with homeless children. During the birthday celebrations she also donated goods ranging from stationary, clothing, and groceries to children from four different orphanages.
- In July 2014, Ruth Makandiwa alongside nine other recipients were conferred with honorary doctorate degrees by a dubious institution called the International Institute of Philanthropy (IIP) for their outstanding contribution to humanity.
- In 2015 she donated food hampers and blankets valued at $27 500 to three hundred and fifty women, above the age of 60 on mothers day.
- UFIC is building Ruthdale High School in Sunningdale in her honour.