
Over 200 green bombers graduate at Dadaya National Youth Service Center, govt to establish youth centres in every constituency

Over 200 green bombers graduate at Dadaya National Youth Service Center, govt to establish youth centres in every constituency

218 Green bombers graduated from the from the Dadaya National Youth Service centre in a ceremony which was presided over by Minister of Youth, Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment Patrick Zhuwao. The Minister revealed that the government was planning to establish youth centres in every constituency with the reported aim of promoting youth empowerment. Speaking at the ceremony Zhuwao said:

There are plans to open up youth centres in every constituency under the name Youth Economic Empowerment Centre and these centres would feed vocational training centres with graduates.

We are planning to rename Dadaya School after the late godfather of the National Youth Service, George Rutanhire.

Commander of the Dadaya training centre Commandant Mavhiki said:

We have 218 trainees who are graduating; 182 males and 76 females and amongst these trainees, we have two degree holders, five diploma holders and several holders of national certificates.

“The training emphasised entrepreneurship programmes that are aimed at creating economic champions out of trainees. The centre grooms youths into patriotism.

More: Tell Zimbabwe

