State-owned telecommunications company TelOne’s managing director Chipo Mtasa has said that her company will, be introducing a pre-paid billing plan in order to recover more than $200 million owed to it. Most of the money is owed by public entitites. Said Mtasa,
We are still owed money of about $200 million. We are trying to move to prepaid such that if a person pays $30 then $20 goes for the current bill and the rest goes towards the debt. We would want to do what Zesa does, I think it’s a good model.
We are on course to recapture the market share that we think belongs to us. The last two weeks we commissioned the link between Bulawayo and Beitbridge, a desired link between TelOne and SA were the major traffic comes in, and it will have a lot of implications to the cost and affordability element we are talking about.
More: NewsDay