
Author Receives Live Bullet In Mail

Author Receives Live Bullet In Mail

Crispen Ndlovu a Bulawayo based author has alerted his lawyers after he received a live bullet in his mail. Ndlovu believes that this is intimidation after he released his latest work, a political satire novel titled Sleeping with the Enemy.  The novel is based on the Government of National Unity, where opposition parties, MDC-T and MDC shared power with Zanu-PF.

Said Ndlovu:

I received a live bullet in a brown envelope in the letter. The envelope was half tucked into the letterbox and, when I opened, I found a bullet. I have since contacted my lawyer.

It is a tactic used by dictators the world over to try and silence the voices of the masses but I will continue standing for truth and justice through my books and journalism.

It is definite that my new book, Sleeping With The Enemy, has touched some areas that some people never want exposed, like the abduction of activists, military involvement in the running of this country, state-sponsored violence and massive corruption done at government level.

More: New Zimbabwe
