
Met Dept predicts violent thunderstorms, warns public

Met Dept predicts violent thunderstorms, warns public

In a statement released on Monday, the Meteorological Services Department predicted violent thunderstorms around the country as a result of hot temperatures. They also warned members of the public not to seek shelter under trees and open spaces.

According to the statement, Matabeleland region is expected to experience isolated thundershowers between today (Tuesday) and tomorrow. The statement reads:

Mindful that the month of October is usually characterised by high temperatures and noting that the atmosphere is presently unstable, any thundershowers activity at this time may be very violent (strong winds, hail and lightning). It is therefore important not to be caught in the open during the thunderstorm. Avoid sheltering under a tree or in isolated shed and more importantly monitor our daily bulletins. Moisture is expected to continue drifting into the country from Botswana. Accordingly, this convection of moisture coupled  with expected persistent hot weather forecast for tomorrow October, 3 makes the atmosphere conducive for isolated heat thunderstorms especially in Matabeleland provinces and Bulawayo Metropolitan province as well as the central watershed.

More: Chronicle
