Self-proclaimed supporters of Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa, Gokwe Nembudziya MP, Justice Mayor Wadyajena and Jones Musara have accused G40 rival Professor Jonathan Moyo of killing his daughter. This is the second time the two have made the accusation on micro-blogging site Twitter. In September, the pair accused Moyo of sacrificing his daughter in order to gain power through ritual practices.
However, in the latest case, Wadyajena implies that Moyo had killed his daughter in order to cover up for the fact that he had raped following a superstitious belief that this would cure HIV. Wadyajena and Musara came after Prof Moyo, after the Minister had suggested that Mnangagwa’s poisoning and diarrhoea could have been induced by “chronic use of antibiotics or ARVs v(Anto-Retro Viral).”
Moyo and alleged members of the G40 Faction, Vice President Phelekezela Mphoko have accused Mnangagwa of lying about being poisoned in order to garner sympathy and undermine President Robert Mugabe. Moyo
Here are the Twitter exchanges:
Don't shun ARVs. Another educated barbarian raped his daughter hoping HIV will miraculously disappear then murdered the girl to cover up.
— H⭕️N. JⓂ️W,Ⓜ️🅿️🇿🇼 (@JusticeMayorW) October 8, 2017
The name of the barbarian is Jonathan Moyo! Time to name and shame these idiots!
— Jones Musara (@JonesMusara) October 8, 2017
Jonso the barbarian raka raper rikachekeresa mwana waro nekukara mari and political power and wrongly thinking it cures HIV/AIDS.
— Jones Musara (@JonesMusara) October 8, 2017
Moyo’s daughter Zanele died in South Africa after reportedly bleeding to death in her Cape Town apartment bathroom in October 2015.