
Fresh fears over Tsvangirai's health as he cancels MDC-T national standing committee meeting

Fresh fears over Tsvangirai's health as he cancels MDC-T national standing committee meeting

MDC-T President Morgan Tsvangirai cancelled his party’s national standing committee meeting sparking fresh speculation over his health.

An MDC-T official whom spoke to The Herald said that they were told the meeting had been cancelled to a date that is yet to be advised. The MDC-T official said:

We were told that the meeting had been cancelled and we will be advised on when it will be held. Naturally, this has sparked fresh speculation on the president’s health amid fears that he is not yet fit to engage in political activities, but we await the next meeting to see for ourselves his state because only a few have seen him since his return.

When contacted for a comment, MDC-T spokesperson Mr Obert Gutu downplayed the health concerns and said Tsvangirai had other pressing commitments. Said Gutu:

I can confirm that the meeting was cancelled to a later date because he (Mr Tsvangirai) had other commitments. He had other commitments and could not make it to the meeting because it was supposed to start at 10am.

More: Herald
