
Tsvangirai back from sick leave

Tsvangirai back from sick leave

MDC Alliance leader Morgan Tsvangirai is expected to chair the coalitions meeting to review the ongoing biometric voter registration process and establish committees to operationalise the opposition coalition.

Speaking to NewsDay, MDC-T spokesman Obert Gutu confirmed Tsvangirai who was on sick leave for a month will chair today’s meeting. He did not reveal the specifics of the meeting. However a source who spoke on condition of anonymity said that Biti is expected to formally sign a memorandum of understanding. Said the source: 

The meeting’s main agenda is filling-in of the 15 committees that will spearhead the implementation and operations of the Alliance. The People’s Democratic Party (PDP), led by Tendai Biti, is expected to finally formally sign a memorandum of understanding to join the alliance. The meeting will review the progress in biometric voter registration, particularly in urban areas, and look at ways on how it can energise voters in cities and towns and, more particularly, the youths to go and register as voters.

More: NewsDay
