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High Court confirms Mutsvangwa as war veterans leader

7 years agoThu, 26 Oct 2017 03:02:02 GMT
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High Court confirms Mutsvangwa as war veterans leader

The High Court has confirmed Christopher Mutsvangwa as the legitimate leader of the Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans’ Association (ZNLWVA).

The order was confirmed yesterday by High Court judge, Justice Helena Charehwa after Mandi Chimene and some war veterans were in February 2016 prohibited from posing as interim or substantive leaders of the association. When the interim order was granted in February last year, Justice Happias Zhou, also barred Chimene from issuing Press statements on behalf of ZNLWVA and its leadership. However Chimene had approached the High Court seeking to have the same judgment in Mutsvagwa’s favour reversed but her application for cancellation of judgment was dismissed. 

More: NewsDay



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