
Zanu-PF youth call for Tshinga Dube's ouster

Zanu-PF youth call for Tshinga Dube's ouster

On Wednesday, Zanu PF youth in Makokoba held a demonstration calling for the ouster of their Member of Parliament Tshinga Dube over allegations of belonging to former Vice-President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s Team Lacoste accused of seeking to overthrow a constitutionally-elected government.

The youths accuse Dube of being linked to the group that booed First Lady Grace Mugabe at White City Stadium in Bulawayo during the youth interface rally last Saturday. Speaking during the solidarity protest, district commissar Emmanuel Munkuli said:

The MP was supporting Mnangagwa and working against our President. What he did is embarrassing and he must be expelled from the party. We support the decision by the provincial co-ordinating committee (PCC) to bar him from the meeting. Tshinga Dube must go with Lacoste. He is causing divisions in Makokoba.

When contacted by NewsDay for a comment, Dube said the claims were unsubstantiated.

More: NewsDay
