
We Will Not Hold Rallies Or Wear Party Regalia Says Dr Nkosana Moyo

We Will Not Hold Rallies Or Wear Party Regalia Says Dr Nkosana Moyo

Aspiring presidential candidate and leader of the Alliance for the People’s Agenda (APA) Dr Nkosana Moyo has said that his party will not hold any political rallies or distribute any party regalia, in order to protect its supporters from being targeted or victimised. He also said that his party was going to focus on creating employment rather than donating goods to potential voters when campaigning. Speaking at the launch of provincial structures in Harare, Dr Moyo said:

The reality of today is that the country is poisoned and people are killed for wearing T-shirts. Let us not expose each other. And if I go begging for money from donors to print T-shirts, I will be selling out and I cannot sell the country for T-shirts.

We don’t want leaders who beg for money to buy you T-shirts and fertilizers; we want leaders who can fix the economy and create jobs so that you can have the dignity to buy your own things.

More: New Zimbabwe

