MSU graduation ceremony not cancelled
Midlands State University (MSU) will hold its graduation ceremony on Friday 24 November contrary to reports that it had been cancelled.
In a notice yesterday, MSU said the graduation ceremony will be held at the institution’s main campus in Senga, Gweru. The notice reads:
Midlands State University wishes to advise its valued stakeholders and graduands that the 2017 graduation ceremony will be held on Friday at the Gweru Main Campus. Graduands and guests are required to be seated by 9am. Graduands who are unable to collect their invitation cards by Wednesday, November 22, can collect them on the rehearsals day, Thursday, November 23. Rehearsals will commence at 1400 hours at the Gweru Main Campus. Please note, all graduands are strongly encouraged to attend the rehearsals in order to participate in the ceremony.
More: Herald