
Mnangagwa promotes 25 Air Force of Zimbabwe officers

Mnangagwa promotes 25 Air Force of Zimbabwe officers

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has promoted 25 Air Force of Zimbabwe officers to the ranks of Air Commodore, Group Captain and Wing Commander in terms of section 15 (3) B of the Defence Act, Chapter 11.02 with effect from November 10.

The ranks were conferred by Air Force of Zimbabwe Commander Air Marshal Perrance Shiri who said that the 25 officers were promoted based on merit. Said Air Marshal Shiri:

His Excellency, the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Forces Cde Emmerson Mnangagwa found it fit to promote the officers after recommendations had been made from the defence headquarters and the Ministry of Defence. Promotions come with greater responsibilities and the span of control is actually increased. You are expected to provide leadership. You ought to be very strict, fair and frank when dealing with your subordinates as well as your seniors.

Of the 10 promoted Wing Commanders, one was a female, Wing Commander Betty Madhema, who becomes the first woman officer to be assigned regimental duties which are male-dominated.

More: Herald
