
Ministers Facing Corruption Allegations Should Resign: Mliswa

Ministers Facing Corruption Allegations Should Resign: Mliswa

Independent legislator for Norton, Temba Mliswa has said that people are despondent about the new Cabinet and that parliamentarians should not lie to President Emmerson Mnangagwa by telling him that the people had confidence in his cabinet. Mliswa said that all potential ministers who are tainted by corruption allegations should have been mature and refused the appointments until they had been cleared. In what may seem to have been directed at Home Affairs Minister Obert Mpofu, Mliswa said:

No wonder why in a way you see the despondency in this country and that is the truth, after everybody was happy that the President was in place, people were a bit not confident of the Cabinet and that has a lot to do with the confidence of the people and investors. We must be very clear when we come to Parliament on such issues and lie to the President and say the Cabinet that you have, truly people have confidence in it. Those leaders will be lying to him.

The aspect of corruption is critical. Any Minister who has allegations of corruption, if it is myself Temba Mliswa, I must be mature and Zimbabwean enough to say I do not want the position Mr. President I think Zimbabwe is first more than me. They keep on being greedy and greedy, being given the very same position yet people are saying Mliswa, there are allegations you were in diamond mining and you stole diamonds. Why should Mliswa go ahead? Mliswa must be able to say with due respect Your Excellency, I appreciate the appointment but for the good of the country I want these allegations to be investigated first and when they are cleared, I will take up the job but meanwhile let somebody do it.
