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Chombo's Ex-Wife Wants To Rejoin Zanu-PF

7 years agoFri, 05 Jan 2018 00:24:38 GMT
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Chombo's Ex-Wife Wants To Rejoin Zanu-PF

Ignatius Chombo’s former wife Marian Chombo wrote a letter to Zanu-PF seeking readmission into the ruling party.

Chombo is former Vice-President Joice Mujuru’s National People’s Party (NPP) women’s assembly chairperson claims she was forced out of the party by her ex-husband and former Finance Minister Ignatius Chombo. The Herald got sight of a letter written by Marian Chombo to the Zanu-PF Mashonaland West chairperson in which she applied to be re-admitted in the party. Wrote Chombo:

I hereby request re-admission in Zanu-PF party. I was forced out of the party by the former President of Zimbabwe when he publicly denounced me in front of thousands, who had thronged Chinhoyi Stadium in the run-up to the 2013 harmonised elections. Because of my differing views with my ex-husband, Dr I Chombo, facilitated my unceremonious expulsion from the party.

I believe in the Zanu-PF ideology and pledge to work hard for Zimbabwe under the guidance of this revolutionary party. With the new political dispensation ushered in by the so-called Operation Restore Legacy, the party is surely poised for positive growth.

Contacted for comment, provincial vice chairman Keith Guzah confirmed that they got the letter.

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