
"Fencing Off Farms Now Mandatory": Minister

"Fencing Off Farms Now Mandatory": Minister

In an interview with The Herald last week, Lands, Agriculture and Resettlement Deputy Minister Davis Marapira said Government now has a policy that makes it mandatory for farmers to fence off their properties to curb the spread of livestock diseases such as foot and mouth.

He said Government has the responsibility to fence major highways and game reserves to avoid the interaction of wild and domesticated animals. Said Marapira:

We have realised that cases of foot and mouth disease that have been reported in some parts of the country are a result of the continued interaction between domesticated animals and wild animals. We now have a new policy which makes it mandatory for A1 and A2 farmers to protect their properties. This will help curb the spread of this (foot and mouth) and many other contagious animal diseases.

More: Herald
