
Zanu-PF Bans Members From Wearing Regalia With Mugabe's Face

Zanu-PF Bans Members From Wearing Regalia With Mugabe's Face

Zanu-PF has prohibited members from wearing regalia with former president Robert Mugabe’s face. Speaking at an an inter district meeting at Mutare Hall on Sunday, Zanu-PF Manicaland provincial chairman Mike Madiro urged party members to wear regalia with President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s face ahead of the 2018 elections which will be held later this year.

Said Madiro:

We have those with old party regalia such as Zambia cloths and T-shirts displaying former President Robert Mugabe’s face, we should stop putting them on and wait for new regalia emblazoned with … Mnangagwa’s face so that we can market him in districts ahead of the polls. We want people to know him.

Zanu-PF is in the process of designing new regalia and has set up a committee led by Simon Khaya Moyo to expedite the process.

More: Daily News
