
Zanu-PF Expels Eunice Sandi Moyo From Parliament

Zanu-PF Expels Eunice Sandi Moyo From Parliament

Former Bulawayo Provincial Affairs Minister Eunice Sandi-Moyo was expelled from Parliament after Zanu-PF notified the National Assembly of her expulsion from the party.

Speaker of the National Assembly, Advocate Jacob Mudenda said that Zanu-PF had notified the August House that Sandi Moyo no longer represented the interests of the party. Said Mudenda:

On the 22nd of January 2018 Parliament was informed by Zanu-PF that Honourable Eunice Sandi Moyo proportional representative for Bulawayo had ceased to be a member of Zanu-PF and no longer represented the interests of the party in Parliament. A proportional representative vacancy has arisen by operation of the law. The necessary administrative measures would be undertaken to inform the President and the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission in terms of section 39 (1) of the Electoral Act.

This brings the total of expelled Zanu-PF legislators to 18.

More: Herald
