
Chamisa Hits Back At Khupe Over Tsvangirai Succession

Chamisa Hits Back At Khupe Over Tsvangirai Succession

Nelson Chamisa has hit back at fellow deputy president Thokozani Khupe concerning her comments that she is Morgan Tsvangirai’s successor since she was elected by MDC-T Congress.

Speaking at a press conference in Harare on Friday afternoon, Chamisa said that there is no difference between him and Khupe adding that none of the three vice presidents can elevate themselves to be the leader since they were all appointed by the National Council. Chamisa said that the party cannot hold a congress because Zimbabwe 3 months away from elections.

Chamisa, Khupe and Elias Mudzuri been clashing over who succeeds Mr Morgan Tsvangirai who succumbed to cancer of the colon in a South African hospital last week and was buried on Tuesday at his rural home in Buhera.
