Maridadi Accuses Zanu-PF Of Intolerance Of Divergent Views For "Criminalising" Mutinhiri's NPF

James Maridadi the MDC-T MP for Mabvuku/Tafara has accused the ruling Zanu-PF party of not respecting diversity and difference of political views. Maridadi alleged that Zanu-PF was criminalising Brigadier General (retired) Ambrose Mutinhiri’s National Patriotic Front (NPF), which was endorsed by former president Robert Mugabe.
Said Maridadi in Parliament,
Zanu PF is declaring war on Mutinhiri for forming a new political party and have been bashing Mutinhiri in the State-controlled media as if he has committed a crime.
They have gone to the extent of saying that he is beholden to former President Robert Mugabe as if it is a crime. I would have preferred for Mutinhiri to join the main opposition MDC-T, but it is his constitutional right to join any political party of his choice
More: NewsDay