
Khupe Free To Leave Says Chamisa

6 years agoTue, 20 Mar 2018 01:30:31 GMT
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Khupe Free To Leave Says Chamisa

In an interview with The Chronicle, MDC-T president Nelson Chamisa’s spokesperson Luke Tamborinyoka said the party will not stop Dr Thokozani Khupe from leaving.

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This comes after Khupe told supporters during a rally in Bulawayo on Sunday that she was parting ways with  Chamisa but will retain the MDC-T name. Tamborinyoka said Khupe’s issue has nothing to do with Chamisa but the party’s organs that elevated him to lead MDC-T. Said Tamborinyoka:

We would have loved to work together but if she has taken a decision to walk away, then so be it. This is not a faction, this is the party. This is now not a bilateral issue between her and president Chamisa. It’s an issue between vice president Khupe and the organs of the party. The organs are the national council and the national executive and they have already taken a position regarding this issue. This is an issue between Madam Khupe and the party. Now you are telling us that she says she is walking away. It’s up to the party but the party has already pronounced itself, it gave her seven days to shape up.

More: Chronicle

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