
Zanu-PF Midlands Extends Deadline For Submission Of CVs

Zanu-PF Midlands Extends Deadline For Submission Of CVs

In an interview with The Chronicle, Zanu-PF Midlands province chairperson Daniel McKenzie Ncube said the party has extended the deadline for the submission of curriculum vitaes for aspiring party candidates for the forthcoming harmonised elections to April 5.

Ncube said all the CVs for aspiring candidates will be submitted to the party’s national elections directorate on April 6. Said Ncube:

We have started receiving the CVs for aspiring candidates who want to take part in the primary elections. As a province we have resolved to extend the submission of CVs to April 5 to give candidates ample time to prepare. We had a meeting on Saturday where we deliberated on these matters. We are going to hand over the CVs to the national elections directorate on Friday so there is enough time.

Ncube said aspiring candidates can start campaigning once their CVs have been accepted.

More: Chronicle
