
Govt Summons Zimbabwe Cricket Board Over Heath Streak's Dismissal

Govt Summons Zimbabwe Cricket Board Over Heath Streak's Dismissal

Speaking during an interview on the sidelines of the commissioning of a classroom block at Sizinda/Tshabalala Vocational Training Centre in Bulawayo yesterday,  Minister of Sports Raymond Kazembe, said has summoned the Zimbabwe Cricket board over the Chevrons’ failure to qualify for the International Cricket Council World Cup and the subsequent dismissal of the entire coaching staff headed by Heath Streak.

Kazembe said he will be meeting the ZC board on Wednesday and will be making a decision thereafter. Said Kazembe:

here is always a danger of being a victim of knee jerk reaction, yes as much as we were not happy with the failure to qualify, I prefer doing things procedurally so I have asked the Zimbabwe Cricket board to submit a report. In fact I am meeting them on Wednesday to hear what exactly transpired and then we will make a decision from there. I don’t want knee jerk reactions, I don’t like them. I always prefer to look at things from an informed view point. I want to ensure that I don’t make uninformed decisions so after the Wednesday meeting, we will then take it from there. I am one person who is not into knee jerk reactions simply because something has happened. You must be able to separate emotions from reason, you need to do first things first before rushing into certain conclusions.

More: Chronicle
