In an interview with Larry Kwirirai on The Platform aired on ZiFM Stereo on Monday evening, presidential spokesperson George Charamba has explained why Emmerson Mnangagwa’s son, Collins was in China.
He said that Collins was part of the business delegation that left for China ahead of Mnangagwa. State media reported that Mnangagwa travelled with 77 businesspeople. Charamba’s revelation exposes Zanu-PF United Kingdom Chairperson Nick Mangwana’s explanation that Collins had not travelled with his father as he is resident in China. He said that they only met up with the delegation in order to connect with family.
Charamba added that Mnangagwa’s son used his own money to travel to China where he had his own business to attend to. Said Charamba:
Then we had a delegation of business people that went on the Saturday. The president left a little later after that business delegation left. Within that delegation was young Mnangagwa. He went in on his own right on his own steam to pursue deals that he is chasing with his Chinese partners. Which meant his being in China more or less the same time the father was there was not just fortuitous but also a basic decision which any normal Zimbabwean businessman would take. Namely to take advantage of the political interaction which then provides an umbrella for one to interact with one’s own business counterparts because then the environment is a lot more hospitable for best results. So really I want to see young Mnangagwa as a businessman, a Zimbabwean who is pursuing separate interests outside of Government which is why he cannot draw from Government coffers and which is why his programme did not even coincide with the movement of the parents. As a matter of fact when I saw something by way of a tweet from young Mnangagwa I went to the President and First Lady and said ‘Ah young Mnangagwa has tweeted to indicate that his own business contacts were making fantastic progress’. Except back home this thing is playing out very badly in the sense that people think that its more of the past which has now obtruded into the new dispensation. Then the President’s reaction was to say ‘Ah but where is he?’ and…we didn’t have him which meant young Mnangagwa remained in Beijing which is where his business counterparts was. He wasn’t part of our delegation and really coincedence and causality are very different.