
Audrey Chimwanda Leaves ANN7

Audrey Chimwanda Leaves ANN7

Zimbabwean television presenter Audrey Chimwanda has left the African News Network 7 (ANN7) where she presented the show Africa Today.

Chimwanda joined ANN7 in 2014 where she started off as a News Producer for almost a year. She then told her employer she was better in front of the camera. Her first television show in Zimbabwe was Youth.Com in 2003. Below is Chimwanda’s farewell message:

So it has come to my attention that I didn’t do justice to my departure from Ann7. To those that missed it, I managed to get a recorded version on 26/04/18👇🏽

— Audrey Chimwanda (@AudreyChimwanda) May 1, 2018
