
Chiwenga Mocks Chamisa's Bullet Train Promises As Little Make Believe Dreams

Chiwenga Mocks Chamisa's Bullet Train Promises As Little Make Believe Dreams

Addressing delegates attending the official launch of Zanu-PF’s election manifesto at the Harare International Conference Centre (HICC) on Friday afternoon, Vice President Constantino Chiwenga dismissed MDC Alliance presidential candidate Nelson Chamisa’s promises to build bullet trains, spaghetti roads and establish village airports as make belief dreams.

Chiwenga said the MDC-T led municipality in Harare should first resolve issues affecting the people such as potholes before making promises to build spaghetti roads. He also advised the Chamisa led MDC-T to address leadership issues that are affecting its party before challenging Zanu-PF. Said Chiwenga:

…until we ask ourselves why pretenders who sell us such convoluted dummies cannot manage small traffic in our real world cities and municipalities which they control and run. Why reach Bulawayo in 40 minutes when Harare workers can’t reach Kuwadzana in 5 hours? What open cans of spaghetti when potholes straddle single lane roads in the city centre. Shouldn’t these starry eyed juvenile politicians take us to Mabvuku after a hard day’s work before they put us on Apollo II to the moon? We shall have time to dismantle their little make believe dreams as we get down to real campaign work. Before they tackle our icon could they do their supporters a favour by resolving ridiculous issues that dog and hound them. We excuse them for being too young to have participated in the struggle but we can’t excuse them for mounting a bid for national leadership from a pilfered party crown.
