We Want People To Access Their Money Anytime, $100M Loan Will Improve Cash Crisis: Mnangagwa
Speaking at a Zanu-PF rally in Mutare on Saturday, President Emmerson Mnangagwa said that the cash crisis was going to improve due to the loan of $100 million dollars from the United Kingdom. He also said that Zimbabwe was working on building reserves to introduce its own currency at a later stage. Said Mnangagwa,
We are expecting another funding soon. We want people to access their deposits in the banks at any time they want to use it. We heard they are giving $30 or $50 no, no we have injected some money we want to see some improvements.
Time shall come when we will have our currency backed by assets we are raising for now. If we reach that stage then we will be able to print enough money to match the economy of our country. We will reach that stage.
More: New Zimbabwe