
Zanu-PF Primary Election Reruns Results Expected Next Week After Politburo Meeting

Zanu-PF Primary Election Reruns Results Expected Next Week After Politburo Meeting

In an interview with The Herald on Wednesday, Zanu-PF Politburo member Munyaradzi Machacha said the party will release the results of the primary election reruns after the Politburo approves the names of the winning candidates.

Said Machacha:

The list is being prepared and once we are done, we will let you know. The Politburo is likely to meet next week and will go through the list before we publish it. We cannot publish it before it is approved by the Politburo.

The primary election re-runs were held in 15 constituencies with Mashonaland West topping the list with six constituencies. The primary election reruns had their fair share of challenges with Webster Shamu being accused of stealing ballot papers in Chegutu East. It is alleged several ballot papers marked on his name were found stashed in Shamu’s vehicle.

More: Chronicle
