
Zanu-PF Govt Manages ZEC Website: ZESN

Zanu-PF Govt Manages ZEC Website: ZESN

 Zimbabwe Election Support Network (ZESN) Monitoring and Observation Manager Ian Goredema said the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) is unable to deliver a free, fair and a credible poll due to government control of the board. Goredema told journalists on an election reporting workshop in Kwekwe recently that the ministry of information controls ZEC’s website.

He also said that ZEC needs approval from the Zanu-PF government to post anything. Said Goredema:

ZEC is not in charge of its own website. The information is managed by the ministry of information. To post anything they need approval from the ministry. It’s not ZEC that uploads information on that site and that is one of the aspects which speaks of the so called independence of the commission.

