Prepaid Electricity Split Meters
Suppliers of prepaid electricity split meters throughout Zimbabwe. Ideal for shared properties, landlords, tenants, shared business premises
Open"Bhora Musango" Mantra Has No Place In Zanu-PF: Chiwenga

Addressing a healing and reconciliation workshop for Zanu-PF’s winning and losing candidates in Harare earlier today, Vice President Constantino Chiwenga said there is no place for the Bhora Musango mantra in the party.
Said Chiwenga:
…The programme whose thrust is to preach the gospel of unity and reconciliation to the winning and losing candidates was spearheaded against the backdrop of the need to tackle the ‘Bhora Musango” mantra particularly from the losing candidates. If you say Bhora Musango it is similar to taking children to a cave during a drought in the hope that the drought will end. Will that end a drought? So that spirit is the spirit of Legion, we do not want it in Zanu-PF. We should be people who are upright in all that they do…