
Prof Moyo Is On His Way Back Home, He Has Been Reaching Out But Zhuwao Is Clueless

Prof Moyo Is On His Way Back Home, He Has Been Reaching Out But Zhuwao Is Clueless

Sunday Mail columnist who writes under the pseudonym Bishop Lazarus has said that exiled G40 kingpin Professor Jonathan Moyo is on his way back home and is unhappy that Saviour Kasukuwere got a deal before him.  Bishop Lazarus, who is suspected to be Presidential spokesperson George Charamba added that former president Robert Mugabe’s nephew, Patrick Zhuwao is the only one who does not get it and may be left isolated. Writes Bishop Lazarus,

Tyson was very helpful and useful in clearing hazy pictures about the great escape. Now he is back to face some music. Not very loud music by the way. On the other hand, Prof Moyo of the “it’s cold out there” fame is also on his way back home. Yes, dear congregants he is on his way back. Don’t be fooled by all that fake bravado. Lots of reaching out and selling out going on behind the scenes. The Prof was just furious that he was beaten to the game by Tyson. So, yeah the Prof is on his way back — not with his tail between the legs, hapasitorina mutswe wacho. I can hear big brother saying “Bishop toda munhu ane hana?” True, let me leave this story for now.

…But then dread Patrick Zhuwao is totally in the dark. Hutsi zvaho. Kana kutomboona kuti there are whispers in the dark. I think Dread Zhuwao vanovharwa too much. Soon he will realise that Prof Moyo is indeed a disciple of American politics, “no permanent friends, but permanent interests.
