
Zim Consolidated Diamond Company Boss Admits Workers Are Looting Diamonds From Chiadzwa

Zim Consolidated Diamond Company Boss Admits Workers Are Looting Diamonds From Chiadzwa

Zimbabwe Consolidated Diamond Company (ZCDC) chief executive officer, Morris Mpofu admitted that some of the employees at his company were conniving with illegal diamond miners to steal the Chiadzwa diamonds. Speaking at an all-stakeholders diamond security conference, Mpofu said,

We are worried about connivance and syndicates within the company. The issue is they are working with illegal buyers with cash and they wave cash. We have got within our company, illegal dealers and illegal buyers and this is the reason we constantly look at our security. There are also intrusions in the mining fields. The majority of the illegal miners … come from outside Chiadzwa and civic societies are very aware of this.

More: NewsDay
