
Traditional Chiefs Are Zanu-PF Foot Soldiers, Chiyangwa Says After Winning Primaries

Traditional Chiefs Are Zanu-PF Foot Soldiers, Chiyangwa Says After Winning Primaries

The traditional chiefs and village heads played an important role as foot soldiers  Phillip Chiyangwa, said after winning Zanu PF primary elections in Zvimba South constituency.

Said Chiyangwa:

“You don’t know the role these chiefs and headmen played in our victory, they walked the length and breadth of Zvimba South constituency for the victory of the party,”

The remark exposes the contravention of the constitution by Chiyangwa himself and the chiefs in his area.

On 14 May, the High Court of Zimbabwe ruled that traditional leaders should not participate in partisan politics. The ruling was made in a case between the Election Resource Center and Chief Fortune Charumbira who made remarks in support of Zanu-PF in October 2017 and January 2018.  Charumbira was ordered to issue out a public retraction of his remarks, but he hasn’t yet.

More: The Standard

